Face Paint Ideas & News

Theme of the Week: Butterfly Mask Face Paint - FPSA Giveways
Theme of the Week: Butterfly Mask Face Paint
Hello Painters!
It's time to introduce our brand new series of Weekly Giveaways - with a new theme and a new chance to win every week.Our weekly prize is 1x $25 gift card! Plus we're offering a BONUS Second Chance Grand Prize $250 gift card, with all eligible entrants having a second chance to win the grand prize in December, just in time for Christmas! More details at the end of this post.
First of all, our theme this week is the Bu
18th Feb 2018
Show us your... cats (part two) - 14 face paint felines
happens when a child sits in your chair and requests a "face paint
kitty cat, please"? Are you excited to show off your best work, or do
you worry your kitty cats aren't quite up to scratch? (pun intended!).
We asked our wonderful face
painting tribe to share their face paint cats with us via Facebook and we were super impressed with the response. So many kitty cats, in a wide
variety of colours and styles. So if you need a handy reference for your
next kitty face paint, then y
17th May 2017
Show us your... cats (part one) - 17 face paint felines
There are many ways to face paint a cat, as our wonderful community of artists demonstrated this week on Facebook. We were blown away with the number of submissions, and we have featured some of our favourites below. In fact there were so many amazing cats you shared with us, we have added 14 more in part two. If you see something you want to try, why not give it a go? And if you do, make sure you tag us #facepaintshopaustralia on Facebook or Instagram so we can admire your work.Don't forget to
11th May 2017
5 of the coolest cat face painting designs
The kitty cat is a very popular request for face painters everywhere, and with so many ways to face paint a cat, we have gathered some of our favourites for your inspiration.These cool kitty cat face painting designs have been created by artists all over the world and the images below are captioned with the name of the artist and a link to their website.*****1. The rainbow kitty by Cameron Garrett, Making Faces and TutusSource: www.makingfaces.vpweb.com2. Little flowers kitty by Annabe
6th Aug 2015
5 ways to face paint a puppy dog
The face paint puppy dog is a favourite face painting request for many kids.For boys or girls, dog face painting is not only popular but has a lot of scope for variety.Here are 5 fun face paint dog designs for your inspiration. If you like them, don't forget to share or save to your Pinterest files for later.1. The Beagle. Artist Susanne Daoud, Australia, Juicy Body Art, www.juicybodyart.com2. Brown dog, artist: Lynne Jamieson, Australia, Lynne at Lynne's Face Magic, www.facemagic.com.au
3. The
29th Jan 2015